Body, mind heart and soul harmony offers a wide range of therapeutic treatments, personalised health coaching and wellbeing workshops aimed at promoting health and wellbeing.
Body Mind Heart and Soul Harmony offers high quality treatments that set you free from stress, tension, pain, illness and other limitations to enable you achieve your goals and live your life fully.
Please explore this website to find out about a comprehensive array of physical therapies such as Massage , Cupping and Gua Sha ,and energy balancing treatments such as Reiki, Qigong and Chakra Balancing.
If you are interested in holistic, scientifically based mind body treatments such as positive psychology coaching, mindfulness, meditation, Tension Release Exercise ® and the Essence of Health wellbeiing training and workshops click here (link to my new TRE and Pos Psych website).
Please call Caroline MacDonald to discuss which holistic treatments or programs will set you on the best path to achieving the harmonious integration of mind and body. Caroline is a highly qualified holistic health practitioner and positive psychology coach with 30 years experience in health, education and training.